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A Guide to Your First Year University Experience

So you’ve made it into university and are getting ready for the big move. It’s probably the first time you have moved away from home and will be independent, both in your studies and in your own life. You may be feeling excited, but also a little apprehensive as you may not know what to expect. Luckily, we are on hand with our ultimate uni guide for first year students to help you get the most out of your uni experience.

Before you move in

Before the big moving day, there are a few things you should do to help the move go as smoothly as possible:

Get to know the basics

Before you get to your accommodation, it might be helpful to research the basics. What’s the quickest way to get to uni? Where’s best to go on a night out? Where’s the nearest supermarket? Researching the local area ahead of the move will make it feel a little less overwhelming as you will already know all the important stuff.

Work out your budget

It’s no secret that students are often a little strapped for cash during their university years. Before the move it may be a good idea to work out how much of your student loan you will have to spend on rent, food, travel and socialising. If it looks like you will be a little short on money to have the uni experience you are hoping for, then it may be a good idea to apply for a part time job to earn some extra cash.



Leaving home to move into uni accommodation is a huge step so it’s important to pack all the essentials to make it feel homely. Make sure to plan and get the majority of packing done a week ahead of the move, that way you can pick up anything you are missing before you get there. Read our ultimate uni checklist to make sure you have packed everything you need.

Once you have packed everything, think about how you plan to get it there, are you driving or getting the train? Make sure you will be able to transport everything in one go so that nothing gets left behind!

Your first week

Freshers week is a crucial part of the experience for first year university students, so it’s important to push yourself out of your comfort zone so you can start making friends. We have compiled our top tips so you can make the most out of your first week:

Moving in

When it gets to the big moving day, you should try and get to your accommodation as early as you can, so you can get the unpacking done and make the most of your first day. Keep your bedroom door open as you unpack and will help you meet your new flatmates as they arrive.

Remember everyone is in the same boat as you, so will also be feeling a little nervous! Once you have unpacked, spend some time getting to know your flatmates. Find out how they are feeling about being away from home, find out what course they are doing and perhaps even plan your first flat night out. Breaking the ice will help all of you to feel that little more comfortable.

Sign up to something fun

Signing up to non academic activities will help you to push yourself out of your comfort zone and give you something to do with your free time.

During freshers week you will be bombarded with plenty of things to sign up to, such as societies, sports clubs and events, so there is bound to be something that is of interest to you. Signing up to these activities will help you meet lots of new people who are likeminded and have similar interests, and you never know, you may meet your best friends for life! 

Explore the area

Once you’ve got to grips with your accommodation and campus, make some time to explore the local city or town. Wander around with your new friends to discover new places to eat, drink and generally enjoy your new uni life.

If you’re moving to Bournemouth, then read our guide to Bournemouth student life to see what fun things there is to do in the area for students.

Bournemouth Gardens

Be prepared to feel a little homesick

Moving away from friends and family is a shock for everyone and it’s completely normal to feel homesick, particularly in the first few weeks. Remember, you are all in the same boat and it’s likely your flatmates will be feeling the same.  

The best way to combat homesickness is to create balance. Keep in touch with your family and friends from back home, but don’t overdo it as this could make it worse. Spend time familiarising yourself with your new town and accommodation and it will soon feel like home.

Settling in

Once the excitement of freshers week has passed, it’s now time to think about the important stuff that will set you up for the rest of your university years:

Studying and uni attendance

Be sure not to forget the main purpose of your time at university is to get a degree. As a first year student, your main priority may not be studying, but it’s important to set yourself up for success as you move throughout the years of higher education. Aim to never miss a lecture, even if you are feeling a little hungover, as a few missed lectures could impact your knowledge and the final result of your degree.

 When it comes to studying, a great way to learn some self discipline is to create a timetable of set hours so you know exactly when and what you should be working on. Simple steps like this will help make the transition from first year to second year that little bit easier.

Think about second year accommodation

As a new first year student, thinking about second year accommodation may feel a little premature, however it’s a good idea to start planning this once you have settled in. Start discussing your options with your new friends and decide on accommodation before you miss out.  

Read our guide on choosing second year accommodation for more tips.


Take care of yourself!

As a first year student, it may feel a little too tempting to overdo it on the nights out, takeaways and unhealthy eating. It will all start to take a toll on you and you may start feeling a little rough. Make sure you take care of yourself by eating healthy when you can and staying active.

Finding a student accommodation with a free gym for all residents, such as Lulworth, is a great way to keep fit without breaking the bank. If the gym isn’t your thing, then take regular walks to help keep the blood pumping between study sessions.

Find student accommodation in Bournemouth

We hope this guide has helped you get ready for your first year at university! Just know you will be completely fine and will make some of your best friends for life. As well as getting your degree, university is about having fun, so enjoy it and make the most of university life!

Now that you are prepared for the big move, make sure you have secured your student accommodation. Lulworth student company is an excellent option for those studying in Bournemouth and has a range of ensuite rooms and studio flats available. For more information, visit our booking page or get in touch with a member of the team.